State-of-the-Art Hyperbaric Therapy is Now Available for Off-label Indications

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a proven adjunct to help heal your patients. Our chambers pressurize to the recommended treatment levels of 1.5 – 3.0 ATA, which is necessary to be considered therapeutic – something soft-sided chambers can’t do. The pure, 100% medical grade oxygen dissolves into hard-to-reach interstitial fluid, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluid, providing a greater opportunity for healing. HBOT also favorably affects repair hormones and anti-inflammatory genes, stimulates angiogenesis, and boosts stem cell production by heightening the synthesis of nitric oxide.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Your Patients

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can be a meaningful adjunct to your treatment plan. We’d be glad to consult with you to determine whether HBOT might be of benefit in a particular situation. We see our services as supportive and complementary, and we will always ensure that you are informed of progress and remain actively involved in the patient’s ongoing care. All we do is HBOT, with the simple goal of helping you help your patients heal better and faster.


Hospitals typically will not accept patients for HBOT unless the condition is one of 15 FDA-approved indications. Clinical studies have shown it to be effective for many other conditions, however. We offer hospital-quality chambers for a wide variety of off-label indications such as stroke, concussion, chronic inflammatory diseases, and erectile dysfunction.

Our Sechrist chambers can pressurize to the levels necessary to achieve therapeutic results. Patients receive top-notch care from our credentialed Nurse Practitioner who assesses them thoroughly before each treatment and continuously monitors them throughout the duration of the dive. Safety is paramount.

We would love the chance to show you what we have to offer. Contact us if you’d like a private tour or if you have questions about whether our treatment could benefit your patient.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in a Safe, Professional Environment

The regular use of HBOT decreases inflammation and pain, enhances the availability of oxygen to injured tissue, encourages angiogenesis, promotes fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis, enhances stem cell proliferation, enhances antibiotic efficacy, and reduces the incidence of infection via enhancement of leukocyte oxidative killing. Medical protocols require daily Monday – Friday treatment for an average of 20-30 visits.

The Science Behind HBOT

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in A Safe, Professional Environment

The regular use of HBOT decreases inflammation and pain, enhances the availability of oxygen to injured tissue, encourages angiogenesis, promotes fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis, enhances stem cell proliferation, enhances antibiotic efficacy, and reduces the incidence of infection via enhancement of leukocyte oxidative killing. Medical protocols require daily Monday – Friday treatment for an average of 20-30 visits.

The Science Behind HBOT

Why Use Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Why Use Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used for nearly 100 years by those seeking an alternative or supplemental treatment to address acute and chronic medical conditions. HBOT works via the combination of pressurized atmosphere and the inhalation of 100% pure oxygen to promote widespread healing in the body. It does this in several ways:

  • Increases oxygen levels in the body
  • Eliminates tissue hypoxia (low oxygen) by stimulating the growth of capillaries
  • Reduces inflammation, thereby reducing pain and swelling and promoting healing
  • Increases the number of stem cells in circulation throughout the body
  • Increases the production and availability of neurotransmitters
  • Stimulates connective tissue cells to promote wound healing
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Inhibits the growth of some bacteria and kills anaerobic bacteria
  • Improves the performance of some antibiotic medications
  • Has antiviral effects
  • Helps the body clear waste byproducts from the bloodstream

Hyperbaric Treatment in A Safe, Professional Environment

Treatments encourage growth of new blood vessels, decrease swelling and inflammation, and accelerate healing for many conditions, including wound healing, stroke, concussion, and sports injuries.


Get in touch!

Do you have questions about HBOT? Drop us a note below and we’ll get back to you!